KMALAND: Iowa Senators take to floor for Kavanaugh

Meanwhile, Senator Joni Ernst spoke in support of the nominee, saying she has long feared encroachment by government.

“I am especially impressed by Judge Kavanaugh’s interpretation of the Constitution as it applies to the ever-encroaching power of federal agencies,” said Ernst. “Even before the people of Iowa sent me to Washington, I was horrified by the impact of increasingly burdensome regulations imposed on hardworking men, women and businesses.”

Ernst pointed to the Waters of the U.S. Rule — or WOTUS — as an example of where the Supreme Court is needed to halt government overreach.

“Throughout his career as a highly respected legal scholar and a judge on the esteemed D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, Judge Kavanaugh has written critically of widening the scope of this already far-reaching deferential standard.”

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