THE DAILY CALLER: Trump Tells Farmers: ‘We’re Going To Get Government Off Your Backs’
President Donald Trump touted his administration’s repealing of the “Waters of the United States” rule, also known as WOTUS, while speaking at the 100th annual American Farm Bureau Convention in New Orleans.
“We’re saving farmers and ranchers from one of the most ridiculous regulations ever imposed on anybody in our nation, the Waters of the United States rule,” Trump said in his speech Monday to applause and cheers from the audience.
“You could have a pond, a little pond, and they consider it a lake,” Trump said. “You’re regulated as though it were a lake. We’re going to get government off your backs so you can earn a living and support your families doing what you love, and I know what you love. Farmers love what they’re doing.”
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Photo Credit: Kevin Lamarque, Reuters