POWER MAGAZINE: SCOTUS Sends Controversial WOTUS Rule into More Legal Limbo

The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously reversed and remanded a rule the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers rolled out in 2015 that asserts federal authority over small bodies of water with a broader definition of the statutory term, “waters of the U.S.” (WOTUS). In a ruling for National Association of […]

THE CAPITAL PRESS: Editorial: Trade a make-or-break issue for Trump

The way the president and his Cabinet members have pumped the brakes on overreaching regulations alone is enough to show U.S. farmers and ranchers that some level of common sense has returned to how the federal government manages resources. The encyclopedic Waters of the U.S. rules were a perfect example of how regulation writers can […]

THE NORTH PLATTE TELEGRAPH: Opinion: Rep. Adrian Smith (R-NE): US depends on ag producers

From tax reform to rolling back the Waters of the U.S. rule, or WOTUS, we are off to a good start on getting government off the backs of producers. In fact, for every new regulation added last year, 22 were eliminated or reset. WOTUS was one of the leading regulatory concerns for agriculture. When the […]

KMA RADIO: Ernst backs WOTUS revamp

“What we saw under the WOTUS rule,” said Ernst, “was an incredible overreach from the federal government in an attempt to control whatever water or pathway that might exist on private land, federal land, state laid. It was an overreach of the federal government, and went way too far.” At that same time, Ernst wants […]

WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Opinion: Rep. Jason Lewis (R-MN): Congress is getting government out of your way

Of course, one of the most important regulations to be scaled back was the sweeping Waters of the United States rule, finalized by the Obama administration in 2015. Under the onerous mandate, even the smallest of streams, farm ditches, and creek beds would fall under the Clean Water Act and be micromanaged by federal bureaucrats […]


President Trump addressed a wide variety of agriculture topics at the AFBF Convention in Nashville Monday. During his 40 minute address, Trump said one of his main objectives was repealing WOTUS. “And I have to say this, when I signed it, I said ‘oh, I’m going to be killed on this one’. And you know […]

REUTERS: Exclusive: Trump’s EPA aims to replace Obama-era climate, water regulations in 2018

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will replace Obama-era carbon and clean water regulations and open up a national debate on climate change in 2018, part of a list of priorities for the year that also includes fighting lead contamination in public drinking water. … He said the agency was also planning to rewrite the Waters […]

THE TENNESSEAN: Congress members want Trump to address opioid crisis, federal regulations, other issues while he’s in Nashville

“Touring Tennessee farms, I often hear about federal overreach,” said [Rep. Scott] DesJarlais, R-South Pittsburg, and a member of the House Agriculture Committee. “An egregious example was the Obama administration’s EPA rule that would have placed even rain puddles under federal control.” In an Oval Office event, where he was surrounded by farmers, home builders […]

THE CAPITAL JOURNAL: Opinion: Sen. Mike Rounds (R-SD): 2018 brings us a year closer to America’s 250th birthday

The Trump administration has also withdrawn or reconsidered close to 900 ineffective and duplicative regulations. Some of these regulations include the Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rule, the Clean Power Plan, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) power grab rule and retirement plan rules. Each of these ‘Washington-knows-best’ rules would have led to more […]

THE DAILY SIGNAL: Commentary: 10 Ways the Trump Administration Beat Back Excessive Regulation in 2017

This [WOTUS] rule, jointly issued by the EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, created a new definition for the waters that the federal government can regulate under the Clean Water Act. The definition tramples property rights and overrides the role of states in water stewardship. The agencies are proposing to delay implementation for […]