HOUSTON HERALD: Opinion: Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO): Just getting started

Under President Trump’s leadership, we have lowered Missourians’ electric bills by relying on our country’s own natural resources, opening up parts of Alaska to energy exploration, and approving the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines. The EPA is no longer a job-killing factory piling on rules and regulations left and right. President Trump’s EPA has […]

THE JOPLIN GLOBE: Sen. Blunt takes stock of year

Blunt expressed a belief that the Environmental Protection Agency’s Waters of the United States, a rule designating jurisdiction of bodies of water, would give the agency say over the majority of building permits filed throughout the country. The EPA in 2015 revised the definition of what qualifies as a U.S. waterway, a move Trump instructed […]

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE-REVIEW: Trib editorial: Regulatory rollback is an encouraging trend

According to the administration’s latest report, 635 regulations previously listed have been withdrawn; 700 rule-makings have been shelved; and 244 regulatory actions delayed. Among them: Re-evaluation of the Waters of the United States rule, which grossly expanded federal jurisdiction over state-regulated waterways. Continue reading at Pittsburgh Tribune-Review…

AgriNews Publications: American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall: A look back and ahead

Earlier this year, the Trump administration announced it would review the Waters of the U.S. rule that the previous administration put out in 2015. Farm Bureau waged an all-out campaign to ditch the WOTUS rule because it gave federal regulators too much control over farming and ranching on thousands of acres — far beyond what […]

MACON TELEGRAPH: Your Say: Sen. David Perdue (R-GA): A year of accomplishments on the Trump agenda

In 2018, we must keep up the momentum. We have to continue going after onerous rules and regulations. We started by rolling back the EPA’s Waters of the U.S. rule, stopping the Clean Power Plan, and undoing some of the damage done by Dodd-Frank. Continue reading at Macon Telegraph… Photo Credit: Rebecca Hammel, U.S. Senate […]

COLUMBUS CEO: Guest Column Rep Bob Gibbs (R-OH): Don’t believe the rhetoric: Republicans want to protect the environment, too

It should not surprise anyone to know I have been critical of the Environmental Protection Agency in the past. I have fought Obama-era directives like the Clean Power Plan and the re-definition of Waters of the United States (WOTUS) tooth and nail since day one. Both of these items expanded federal power well beyond what […]

WNAX: NCBA Official Pleased EPA Moving To Formally Repeal WOTUS

The Environmental Protection Agency plans to complete repeal of the Waters of the U.S. rule in April of 2018. National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Vice President Of Government Affairs Colin Woodall says they’re pleased the agency is moving ahead with that. He says it takes time to unravel that burdensome regulation. He says the replacement rule […]

THE WEEKLY STANDARD: The Man They Love to Hate

During his tenure as attorney general of Oklahoma, in the six years leading up to his appointment to the Trump cabinet, Pruitt filed 14 lawsuits against the EPA, a record that outraged environmentalists and liberals. In Washington, he has redoubled many of these efforts. He once sued to halt the EPA’s Clean Power Plan (CPP). […]

HIGH PLAINS JOURNAL: EPA head visits Iowa farm

Pruitt also stopped at Bill Couser’s farm near Nevada, Iowa, to address farmers and agricultural leaders about the WOTUS rule. “We need to work with the states on their individual needs. Each state is different and one rule would not be fair to the states,” Pruitt said. “We need to know what is a water […]

THE DAILY CALLER: POLL: Most Americans Support Trump Rewriting Obama’s ‘Waters Of The US’ Rule

A majority of Americans say President Donald Trump’s administration should work with Congress and local businesses to rewrite a former President Barack Obama-era “waters of the United States” (WOTUS) rule, according to polling. Morning Consult pollsters found that not only do most Americans see WOTUS as an example of government overreach, 58 percent agree the […]