HOUSTON CHRONICLE: Babin extols progress, bemoans roadblocks

In other executive orders, he approved the Keystone Excel Pipeline and repealed Obama’s WOTUS (Waters of the United States) rule. The rule written by the Environmental Protection Agency gave government unprecedented authority to regulate all bodies of water including ditches, holes and ruts in the fields. “If it holds water anytime during the year, they […]

THE DETROIT NEWS: Letter: Michigan Farm Bureau’s Mark and Sarah Mathe: Water rule threatens farming

This flawed rule is an egregious attack on private property rights, threatening the farm community’s ability to tend their own land, address insect and disease pressure, expand their acreage and hire more farm workers. As small farm owners in Michigan, our land means everything to us. The right to use our property as we see […]


The federal government has extended the public comment period on a waters of the United States, or WOTUS, rule that would revert the definition of navigable waters to the pre-2015 regulation. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers made the announcement in a statement on the EPA website on Thursday, […]

THE SACRAMENTO BEE: Settlement reached in federal case of Modesto-area farmer fined $2.8 million for plowing his field

[John] Duarte became a cause célèbre among property-rights activists, farmers and other conservatives after running afoul of environmental laws in 2012. A judge ruled in 2016 that he violated the “Waters of the United States” provision of the Clean Water Act by “deep ripping” a Tehama County field without a permit. Duarte said he just […]

DAILY JOURNAL ONLINE: McCaskill holds to middle ground at town hall

She also noted the EPA’s failed attempt to regulate “navigable waters” in which the federal agency asserted that it could prevent a landowner from doing anything with a wetland that was near a ditch that eventually drained into navigable water. Continue reading at Daily Journal Online…

ROLL CALL: Two Senators, Two Parties, One River, Similar Message

Both McConnell and Donnelly took jabs at the so-called Waters of the United States rule, commonly referred to as WOTUS, but in much different ways. McConnell said the rule was on its “way to the ash heap of history,” while Donnelly called for a more ground-up approach to the regulation that would put local farmers […]

WAHEPTON DAILY NEWS: ND leaders want repeal of EPA rule

Every state can’t be treated the same way by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Nor should the EPA have a policy that will harm North Dakota farmers and ranchers. State officials say there needs to be a repeal of the Waters of the U.S. Rule (WOTUS) as it currently exists. Those were the bipartisan messages […]

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS: Sen. Flake Pleased With New Federal Regulatory Approach

Flake particularly praised Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt, who he said is taking a more realistic approach. He said he’s especially happy about the planned withdrawal of an EPA rule known as Waters of the United States or WOTUS regulating many more streams and wetlands. “We cannot have a situation where protecting America’s waterways […]

FORUM NEWS SERVICE: EPA leader talks privately in ND about scaling back federal waters rule

Scott Pruitt, administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, attended a closed-door roundtable discussion in Fargo on Wednesday, Aug. 9, on the federal government’s proposed revision of the Waters of the U.S. rule, known as WOTUS. Attendees of the roundtable held at North Dakota State University included North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, U.S. Sen. John […]